Sunday, January 8, 2012

past- handle with care

           "Telling future by looking at the past = Driving car by looking in the rear view mirror".- Herb Brody
            Every human being is affected by his past. Most of the people are wasting their present due to the negative impact of their past. If we are wasting the present, actually we are wasting the future. So if we are not ready to handle the past correctly, we will waste both of our present and future. Actually the great truth is "we never do any corrections in the past". That means we don't have any, any control over the past. Then why do we worry about the uncontrollable thing. But we should know that the present is in our control. If we control the present, we can control the future also.
Normally we had two types of experiences in our past. 1. Positive or Constructive experiences, example business success, passing exams, good relationships etc..2. Negative or Destructive experiences example business failure, failing in exams, broken relationships etc... In ordinary lives, the negative experiences affect their present negatively. But in great lives, their negative experiences make great positive impact in their life because negative experience+ learning = positive impact. Negative experiences give more chance to learn. Formula is 
     in ordinary people-----------   negative experience in the past = negative impact in the present, 
     in great people-   negative experiences in the past+ learning = positive impact in the present
The only difference is learning. So consciously we have to treat our past as a learning opportunity. Normally we ask with our friends "how is today?", actually we have to ask "what do you learn today?". Because learning+learning+....+learning= life

      Practical step;   Make a life journal. In that journal we have to write daily at least one learning from the day. Some learning may be repeated. These repeated learning become our part of the life.

           A story-- A man was losing  gradually his eye sight and his memory. He consulted a doctor. The doctor diagnosed him. The doctor said "your disease is a peculiar one, so you have to choose either eye sight or memory, you don't get both. The man preferred the eye sight. The doctor asked "why do you prefer eyesight?". He replied eyesight helps to know "where i am going to", memory helps to know "where i have been". Where i am going to is more important than Where i have been.
             In our country most of the people have memory but they have no eye sight...


  1. Look to future, then tomorrow will be ours

  2. excellent. the last story is exceptional

  3. we don't have any, any control over the past.
    very true...
